Published On 8/5/2023
Silver Spur, this Saturday, dawned nice and peaceful with clear sunny skies. The usual crowd was there from the "Healey" group: Kristian Bassilios, Dave Beugen, Bob Bolling, Phil Caliva, Chuck Lakowski, Peter Hutchings, Steve Magoffin, and Flavio Montoro. Some of us rolled up in our “Big” Healeys or Bugeyes, some drove their other classic rides. There was a bit of a melee before I arrived, and the story unfolded that a BMW driver, not to be named, was causing a bit of a row with some of the other car owners over a parking space. The "nasty gent" was quickly dispatched by several of our group in the interest of keeping this nice Saturday gathering "nice." Some very impressive cars were at this morning’s event, including a Mercedes 300 SL apparently recently acquired by a lucky so-and-so.