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Channel Islands Harbor British Car Show 10/2

Tim McNiff | Published on 10/2/2022

Channel Islands Harbor British Car Show 10/2

Last year, the Central Coast British Car Club moved the annual all-British car show from July to October due to the Covid pandemic. It was very successful, so the CCBCC decided to host the show on October 2nd this year. So, I was heading west on the 101 Fwy early Sunday morning heading for the Best Breakfast diner in Oxnard for my morning meal before the car show. In Camarillo I left the freeway and got on Pleasant Valley Road which would take me directly to the restaurant. As I drove the two-lane road through the farms and fields I saw Ralph Deex’s Bugeye behind me. He turned off, headed directly for the show while I pressed on to the diner.


After eating, I drove north to Channel Islands Blvd and then west to the harbor.


As I checked in to the show, I was directed to the north end of the show area, something new for the big Healeys. Maybe it was due to only having ten cars registered, seven of which were from the club. Bill Hoyt was back after two years with his 100, Dan Burrola in his BJ8 was already parked, Russ Thompson and Joyce Maeda rolled in with Russ’ hardtop MkI, Steve Karolyi showed up in his MkI, then Phil Caliva, BJ8, and Jim Huizdos, in Jeff Boysen’s old BT7, arrived as part of a gaggle of Brits from the South Bay.


The Bugeyes and Spridgets were still located at the south end of the park. Among the six or seven cars on hand were three from the club: Gerry and Chris Lockwood in their Black hardtop Bugeye, Greg Aden with his white square-body Sprite, and the aforementioned Ralph Deex in his Bugeye.


Also parked in the same general area was Bill Wilkman with his Austin A40, which he trailered from Riverside.


The day continued under slightly cloudy skies, with large crowds of spectators and British car lovers, who had lots of questions for all the owners. Central Coast volunteers were busy selling raffle tickets, and the entrants were judging, and a good time was had by all. Part of the good time was listening to the Highland Pipe and Drum Band perform. With the finish of the pipes and drums, the awards were handed out. In the “Big” Healey class Bill Hoyt took first place and Dan Burrola captured second. In the Bugeye/Spridget class Chris Lockwood won first place with plaque being accepted by Gerry.


So, it was now time to pack up, say our goodbyes, and hit the road for home. Another great outing for the Club and some hardware recognizing the hard work our members put into their cars.