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Channel Islands British Car Show 10/03

Tim McNiff | Published on 10/3/2021

Channel Islands British Car Show 10/03

It was an early morning departure as I headed to the Autry Western Museum in Griffith Park for a 6:30am meetup with Peter Roses and Steve Gerow. We jumped on the 134 Fwy and headed west for Camarillo, where we planned to stop for  breakfast. After a hearty meal at Eggs-n- things, we headed for the Harbor and the show.


After check in and getting our goody bags, we proceeded to the Healey parking area where we found a large group of club members had already arrived. In “big” Healey’s were Lou and Diane Miraglia, Phil Caliva, Steve Magoffin, Larry Bryant, Flavio Montoro, Dan Burrola, and Russ Thompson and Joyce Maeda. Next to the “bigs” were the Sprites, including Greg Aden, Emil Joseph, Ralph Deex, and new members from Lancaster, Gerry and Chris Lockwood.


Parked in other areas of the show were Peter Hutchings and Chuck Lakowski with their Jensen Healey, George Merino in his Lotus, Chuck and Barbie Meng in their Triumph Spitfire, and Bill Wilkman with his Austin A40. Interesting note: Bill, Chuck and Peter were parked in the area titled “Rarities”.


As the day progressed, we all enjoyed sparkling conversations with the many spectators and participants who enjoyed looking at and asking about our cars. The Central Coast British Car Club was selling 50/50 chances, raffle tickets for a wide variety of prizes, and had a DJ spinning all the great British hits from the 60’s. Also, as in years past, a local pipe and drum band performed. Everyone on hand also had the opportunity to check out the Farmers Market being held at the north end of the park.


During the show we were visited by a few members who just dropped by. Charlie Hart was on hand to tout his latest product, a hydraulic boot support. Bill Hoyt, a previous Healey class and Tartan Surfboard winner, came to say hello. And, David and Lisa Thorne stopped by after visiting with David’s dad who had his MG TD (?) on display.


When the awards were handed out in the afternoon the club was well represented. In the “big” Healey class, Peter Roses took second place. Both Sprite awards went to club members: Greg Aden took first, and new, the day previous, members Gerry and Chris Lockwood captured second.


Chuck Lakowski, with his white Jensen Healey, took second in the Rarities group. The big winner was Bill Wilkman, who won the President’s Award with his recently restored Austin A40.