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ADM British Car Show 6/19

Tim McNiff, Editor | Published on 6/19/2021


ADM British Car Show 6/19

Eight a.m. and it’s already getting warm in the Valley.


Supposed to be cooler in El Segundo for the British Car Show at the Automobile Driving Museum. Cooler doesn’t quite cover it, as I run into the marine layer as I clear downtown LA. It stays cool and overcast all the way to the meet up location at the shopping center on the southeast corner of PCH and Mariposa Ave.


One Healey in the parking lot when I pull in; it’s Dan Burrola in his recently completed BJ8! For years he told me he had a Healey and for years I never saw it. But it’s true. In short order we were joined by George Merino in his Lotus, Chuck Lakowski in his JensenHealey, Jim Spisak and Steve Magoffin in their 3000’s, Corkey Holt in his 100 and Greg Aden in his racing Sprite.


After some of us refueled at Starbucks we drove the two blocks to the Automobile Driving Museum. When our group arrived, the staff elected to have us park along the curb in front of the museum. We joined early arrivals Phil Caliva, ‘65 BJ8, and Dave Beugen, ‘55 Rolls Royce Wraith.


Soon after, Barry Jay arrived in his 100 and parked at the end of the line.


Before we could get settled in Steve Kirby pulled up in his beautiful XK-150. Now everyone had arrived and we got down to the business of checking out the cars on display. A large contingent of MG’s was parked in the north parking lot along with some Triumphs, XKE’s, Morgans, and a one-off, handmade car with Austin badging.


While more cars: a Tiger, Mini, more Jags; were parked across the street. Piped in music, a coffee truck, a food truck serving seafood chimichanga, and the on-site collection all added to an enjoyable time.