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From the President

Published on 10/1/2019

Hello all you Healeyphiles! This month’s newsletter will have extensive coverage of the recent AHCA Conclave in Deadwood, SD, so I won’t go into that here. Suf8ice to say that your Club was well represented as you will see in the articles which follow, and we did well in all the events (six car show trophies, a 2nd place in the Gymkhana and Carol Ames won the best hat award at the Ladies Tea)! I believe we had the largest contingent at the event, though the “participation” award went to a smaller club with fewer attendees (due to some complicated “read: political” formula for determining the winner).


I want to thank all those of you who have sent me kind wishes concerning my ongoing Prostate Cancer treatment. When you read this, I will be two weeks into my six-week Proton Therapy. So far, so good. The treatments are quick (30 minutes in and out), painless, and I have had no side effects. So, most of my days involve relaxing at my rented condo in Del Mar, doing a little work on my computer and hanging at the pool or at one of the local pubs. I am calling it a “medical vacation”! Please keep Phil Caliva and Bill McFarlane in your prayers. Phil is in for a long recovery, but any recovery is better than the alternative. I will keep you updated by separate email as his condition evolves.


I will keep this short so you can get to all the great articles that follow.