Well the International Healey Week in Monterey is now history and the club had a great showing with over 40 member cars attending and a number of awards being taken back to So Cal. While I did not have a great week (see Tom Spangler’s article) my BJ7 did run like a clock but we had nothing but problems with the Bugeye all week. I understand Bill Hoyt and Tony Trentacost had generator problems on the way back but made it home safely; and there may be other interesting stories that I have not heard about. Also, sorry to hear about George McHarris’s accident and glad to see that he is OK.
This month looks like another very busy month as we have three official club events club events scheduled: the Laguna Beach Classic Car Show on October 1st and the annual San Diego British Car Day on October 8th as well as the Annual Wings Wheels and Rotors Show on the 22nd . Unfortunately, we just heard that this event has been cancelled as the new base commander is reluctant to have it on his base. I understand that the Chamber of Commerce is trying to find a new venue for 2018.
November looks like a pretty mellow month with only one club event scheduled other than the usual recurring events, and that is Fireball Tim’s “Wheels and Waves” Malibu gathering on November 19th at The Country Mart on Cross Creek Road in Malibu.
He has assured me that he will set aside an area for our Healey’s; so to all of the Valley guy’s who do not usually make it to Golden Cove here is an opportunity to drive your Healey over the Santa Monica mountains to the beach in Malibu and show up all those Porsche’s and Ferrari’s. Then you can have breakfast in Malibu and/or drive up the coast.
The December Club event is the Holiday Party at the Long Beach Shoreline Yacht Club on the 10th and sign up for it will be on the web site shortly.