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Queen’s English Car Show - 4/23

Published on 4/23/2017


Queen’s English Car Show - 4/23

What a gorgeous day for a car show! Bright sunshine, clear skies and a mild 78 degrees. The British Car community responded and there were hundreds of classic marques on the grass at Woodley Park in Van Nuys. Arriving at 8:00am I found the park already starting to fill with cars and by 9:00am there was a steady influx of Jaguars, MG’s, Triumph’s, Healeys, Rovers, Morgans, Morris Minors, Minis, Lotuses, and Jensens.


The AHASC contingent consisted of Duke Hingley, Greg Aden, Matt Meyer, and Chuck and Barb Meng in their Bugeyes; and Charles Covington in his Spridget. The “Big” Healey crew consisted of not-so-new David and Lisa Thorne, Ron Fine, Russ Thompson and Joyce Maeda, another fairly new member Greg Cosh, Phil Caliva, Peter Roses, Dex and Peggy Kaytis and dog, Dick Boyd, Corkey and Lupe Holt, Win and Sue Phelps, Fred Stewart, George Merino and myself.


Additionally, Mike Biss and Bruce Marrs were driving MG’s and Steve Kirby was in his Jensen-

Healey. Also parked with us were a couple of former club members and two cars from the Central Coast British Car Club; they were busy talking up the Channel Islands British Car Show which will be July 16th.


We, I mean our cars, got a lot of attention from the large crowds of spectators who passed by. Some making comparisons to cars they once owned and others checking out the latest modification someone had installed. Among the visitors were club members Charlie Hart, Larry Bryant, Bill Hoyt, Tom Colby, and Rich Jones. A highly recognizable car-nut checked out our Healeys and posed for pictures with the crowd which included our own George Merino.


As the day moved on and the sun got hotter a lot of us sought shelter in the shade of the park trees, while some members joined the Jaguar club for brunch at the 94th Aero Squadon adjacent to the Van Nuys Airport, and others headed to the South Bay for brunch with friends. By two pm Peter and I were the only ones left so we packed our chairs, said our goodbyes and hit the road for home.